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Indeed, so that the entire site can offer you optimal service, it is important that JavaScript is activated.
Our composer will not work without JavaScript.
Important: JavaScript will only be used for a better experience. No advertising will be displayed and no tracking will be carried out.
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Enable JavaScript in Google Chrome:
On your computer, open Chrome.
At the top right, click More then Settings.
At the bottom of the page, click Advanced Settings.
In the "Privacy & Security" section, click Content Settings.
Click JavaScript.
Enable Allowed (recommended).
Enable JavaScript in Safari:
In the browser window, click the "Edit" button, then select "Preferences."
In the "Preferences" window, select the "Security" tab.
In the "Web Content" section of the "Security" tab, check the "Enable JavaScript" box.
Click the browser's "Reload the current page" button to refresh the page.